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Image by Jong Marshes

Iron In Your Home's Water

Elly Brian

Do you have unsightly brown or reddish stains on your toilets, tubs, and sinks? Even small amounts of iron in your home's water can cause these stains to develop and worsen unless treated. ­­

Ugly brown or reddish stains on porcelain are a big embarrassment and extremely common Northeast, WI. The stains require a lot of elbow grease to get rid of. Some people suggest using vinegar to help clean and remove them. Unfortunately, the stains will keep reappearing until you fix your iron water problem. Sometimes it’s very obvious that there is an iron issue because the water comes out of the sink brown, but that is not always the case. Your water may seem clear but iron can be present in the dissolved state.

In deep wells, like the ones in rural Wisconsin, where there is low oxygen content, water containing dissolved iron and manganese will appear clear and colorless at the tap. Once it is exposed to air, iron becomes oxidized, leaving a solid reddish-brown stain on laundry, plumbing fixtures, and porcelain toilet bowls. Plus, the long iron is exposed to oxygen, the darker the color it turns. It only takes a small amount of iron to cause staining. The EPA suggested standard for iron in water is less than 0.3 ppm.

High levels of iron can also affect the flavor of your water, making to taste metallic. Many find drinking and cooking with iron contaminated water unpleasant.

Does Your Home's Water Contain Iron?

Here are 4 iron causing problems in the home:

  1. Red staining on fixtures and gives water a red tint.

  2. Builds up in plumbing

  3. Stains laundry

  4. Causes metallic taste

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